Friday, August 08, 2008

8-8-08 Expectations Are Sky High Worldwide Today!

Going homeImage by Pix Elate via FlickrToday is August 8, 2008 and is being referred to as 8-8-08.

The number 8 means new beginnings and within the Chinese culture today is believed to be a very lucky day.

Many people are getting married today in China and around the rest of the world believing that their marriages will be blessed as a result of getting married today.

But the date cannot be carried forward and only the expectations can.

As much as today is a blessed day, every day is a blessed day when you have faith to believe that everything will be fine and from the rising of the sun until the going down of the same, the Lord is to be praised.

God is indeed a good God and His mercy endures to all generations.

I cannot and will not lower my expectations on yesterday nor tomorrow and I find it a great relief and joy to know that my God is God over 8-8-08 and still will hold the future in His forevermore.

So we are blessed every day!

In my household, we celebrate this day as the birthday of Sandra P. Graham. Happy Birthday Sandra and may God bless you with many more!


Zemanta Pixie

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