Sunday, January 01, 2006

Watch Night 2005-2006 Sermon: Every Seed Needs Water!

Here is the link to immediately listen to or download (for later listening) the sermon that I delivered last night (December 31, 2005) to usher in the new year 2006 entitled "Every Seed Needs Water".

The sermon was delivered at Bethesda Baptist Church in Austell, GA which is led by Pastor Charles Goodman.

The length of the MP3 file is 18:26.

It is my hope and prayer that the message blesses you, your household, and establishes a theme for the blessings and empowerment that you shall experience throughout 2006 and beyond according to the will of God.

Peace and Happy New Year in the name of Christ Jesus!


BDK said...

I wrote a song about seeds for a sermon about the 4 soils. I can send it to you if you provide me an email address. My Blog at:

BDK said...

I have written a song related to this for a sermon about the 4 soils. I can send it if you have interest. You can Skype me at: briankelley