Thursday, June 30, 2011

Google Music streams free music because I know I didn't have multiple songs in their cloud:)

Wow, does Google Music really look to complement or replace iTunes? It looks like Judas or Brutus at this point:)

It's very surreal to see Apple's Motion suddenly daily appear on my radar due to the past week versus previous years!

Seed of the Day: Zechariah 14:9

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wow, my daughter just stumbled onto a FUNERAL after party, YouTube, wobble video. Smh at the creators & participants.

Seed of the Day: Psalm 138:8

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My first single "Roller Skate" is on iTunes now:

Seed of the Day: 2 Peter 3:9

Here is my first single "Roller Skate"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Seed of the Day: Matthew 16:25

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wow, Kevin Hart makes Kirk Franklin look like Dirk Nowitzski!!

The wall base part works fine w/ another cable.

Odd purchase yesterday: AC iPhone charger by Rocketfish (Best Buy) & the USB cable fails to allow it to work!

Rarely do I take a nap before Sunday dinner, but I got one today:)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Eyes say more than arms in children having problems staying afloat in water.

I was blessed to save a kid drowning today in the EXACT, same manner I did 27 years ago in the summer of '84!! #surreal

I was in a library w/ my family when I first saw early news about MJ. Instantly I felt it was far more serious than cases before:(

Peep these everyday is V-Day vibes even if today is not your anniversary or wedding day:

As sad as MJ's death still remains, the world receives a true musical, vaccination annually in a very heavy dosage!!

Old school music hasn't gone away, it just had to retire for a minute & reload before coming back to collect 2x checks!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

If Messi's only 24 years old, he certainly made opposing team kids cry & coaches fume when he played soccer before U17:)

Many things retro seem to be more profitable than the original endeavors that went bankrupt:)

I'll buy my own #soccer team or plant the seeds for my daughters to. Diversity is not restricted to strikers only!!

US soccer at every level desperately needs Bear Bryants, Branch Rickeys, & Red Auerbachs if the nation is going to win!!

It is a shame for any US soccer leagues to lack diversity on the pitch and especially in the south:( #fail #c'monson

Musically, this is a Michael Jackson weekend!! RIP MJ!!

Seed of the Day: 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Seed of the Day: Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Every industry needs a defibrillator moment & mindset these days!!

It is sad to see multiple child deaths occur while the rest of the industry appears to be waiting their turn needlessly.

Day care centers should provide pre-emptive training as the school year ends & before field trips to avoid child deaths!

Bureaucrats in Wally World will see the joys go sour & south globally if a million women were scorned as claimed.

This morning I realized that Wal-Mart's Rome burning w/ the wrong US Supreme Court call and they're now in a free fall:(

This morning's Pandora experience took me back to SC & sitting beside the record player listening to vinyl spinning:)

I've heard parts within songs known for over 30 years like the song was brand new all over again! #Pandora

Discovered this morning that listening to Pandora via headphones is a totally different experience w/ a favorite channel

Seed of the Day: Psalm 121:7-8

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Does Apple Motion 5 fully replace Shake also and will it work with Final Cut Express 4?

Seed of the Day: Psalm 91:1

Monday, June 20, 2011

#AlexanderOneal sold out Wembley in the UK for 6 nights straight!! #Unsung History Wow!!

Latest A1C = 6.1 which means I am technically no longer classified as having diabetes from once over 13! HALLELUJAH!

Seed of the Day: Mark 8:36

Saturday, June 18, 2011

RIP Clarence Clemons, you returned soul to rock music clearly for me in the 80s!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Seed of the Day: Psalm 68:4-5

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seed of the Day: Psalm 103:13

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Seed of the Day: Proverbs 23:24

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I see that the recently raised velvet rope of has been lowered again:) What rooms should I check out first?

Local county fines woman for endangering her own dog versus doing anything about the coyote she reported to them:(

GA Gov. Deal proposes building new jails indirectly by saying probationers could pick produce versus migrant workers:(

Seed of the Day: Philippians 3:20

Nobody needs or wants badges or medals for going through good times!

$7 Billion dollars in $100 bills was stored & lost on US military base in Iraq. Iraq is talking slow, Uncle Sam isn't!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Seed of the Day: Luke 11:13

Sunday, June 12, 2011

@V103Atlanta going deep to play cuts below program director's modern C ratings is unheard of weekdays in Atlanta:)

@V103Atlanta is jamming like when Dorothy threw water on the Wicked Witch (a la program director, IDK)!!! lol:)

This place is like sending the Heat's Big 3 & MJordan to a school yard for a bball pick up game!! Pasta Bella!!

We are eating in the reason I'll most likely never go to Olive Gardens in ATL ever again: Pasta Bella in Austell, GA!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Seed of the Day: Colossians 3:13

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Seed of the Day: Matthew 7:13-14

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Is anybody on I would like to try it out, so thanks in advance!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Apple will need to provide a way to merge multiple Apple IDs: there are just too many silos and lone wolves.

Seed of the Day: Psalm 90:2,4

Monday, June 06, 2011

If music tapped into the sincerity of the civil rights movement versus its own hype, the change would be quantum!

The Civil Rights Movement was purer, deeper, and wider than most born in the 60s & beyond will ever comprehend!!

#WWDC feels like Apple is putting a series of iOS shock and awe hits like #TheWire, #Oz & #TheSopranos combined:)

Cobb County Police are looking to write many tickets today, so drive easy wherever you are driving!!

Seed of the Day: Ephesians 3:17-19

Friday, June 03, 2011

Always occupying a studio does not make the artist for releasing creations to the public does!! #tyw

Seed of the Day: Proverbs 15:1

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Using one's memory to track calories is a losing proposition!! Do it before eating the next meal or snack!

Seed of the Day: Hebrews 9:28

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Seed of the Day: Revelation 21: 2-4