Friday, April 30, 2010

Today was better than yesterday and tomorrow is guaranteed to blow the curve of today as car repairs had to be done.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why does the cable wiring on old synthesizers look like a HIGH VOLTAGE sign is needed? I'm just saying:)

God allows the universe itself to teach us about Himself if we simply listen. Pray for ears to hear!!

One aunt just broke something down to a subatomic level to the point of a smooth criminal:) What an insight!!!!

Seed of the Day: Job 19:25

Good night All:)

Finally found a need for AIM on iPod Touch after Pingle lost its mind:)

Jimmy Jam is not called "Magic Fingers" for nothing! He is a maestro!!

I don't know which I love more: FlyteTyme's production, songwriting, or playing!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Seed of the Day: Philippians 2:5-8

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sen. McCain looks like he is ready to go medieval on Blankfein at any second or resistance from him:) $GS

Goldman Sachs $GS completely drops the ball as money = food. Any restaurant would be shut down using their logic:(

Seed of the Day: Luke 19:10

Monday, April 26, 2010

Seed of the Day: Luke 24:44

It's funny how the Blublocker shades are now called HD Vision Ultras:) Can't blame them for trying!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It is a super nice day outside!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Recent iPhone & iPod corporate missteps are Apple's mixtapes!!

Turnaround NBA drama in game 3s is not a good look for the winners or inevitable series winners.

Is there a Netflix instant queue recommendation winner for the evening you can make?

The number of families @ Moe's was rather large in the heart of Smyrna, GA tonight.

Unfortunately many cost-benefit analyses have been TKOd by unchecked egos.

The price of victory for $GS is higher than the lost discount of a settlement. Simple game theory reveals risk vs reward.

Goldman Sachs has fallen victim to bureaucratic machismo in fighting SEC's charges vs settling them quickly & switching simple tactic.

AC Milan is really falling off and appear to be playing to avoid injuries:(

RIP Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes. April 25, 2002 (tomorrow)

Kids eat free at Moe's on Saturdays, so we're taking them up on it:)

I grabbed one nap due to waking up super early and tempted to grab another due to weather and it's the regular time I would get one;)

Seed of the Day: Acts 2:40-41

Friday, April 23, 2010

China vs USA? It's already forecast but the unseen is that the reason may be over Africa:

Beating obesity is the new civil rights movement but not yet on Main Street's radar:

Seed of the Day: Romans 14:11

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I see that the Denver Broncos & Dallas Cowboys have made some huge picks in the NFL draft!

Fred Hammond was on The View and has downsized the stage count greatly probably just for the show.

Seed of the Day: Romans 1:20

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2012 is not just a year in the future, it is a moment of truth in the present! Live for Christ and walk by faith!

If a lightning producing volcano doesn't tell you to check yourself, not much else will:(

Have you liked my Facebook page yet? I have musical surprises on the way:)

RIP Guru!!! "Season For Change" by Ronny Jordan featuring Guru

Today I told the trainer before starting, "I want to break the ice, not smash it!"

Seed of the Day: John 20:29

RIP Sage of Wisdom Dorothy Height!!! I saw her once by complete surprise:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Seed of the Day: Exodus 20:17

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Her extension of laissez faire logic concerning health and obesity should prompt encouragement to her for an early retirement.

Bloomberg News' Kate O'Beirne's criticism of the First Lady's campaign against obesity was worse than fingernails across a chalk board:(

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cats love Apple while dogs love PCs:)

Playing the game of Life for the first time ever with my youngest daughter. Not doing too bad either:)

Goldman Sachs' claims of losing money in the CDO deals is nano thin. It was INSURANCE money thrown BEFORE BAD money.

Seed of the Day: Exodus 20:16

Friday, April 16, 2010

The real estate available for apps on the iPad is outrageous!!

Just made first contact with an iPad. Cool future purchase:)

$GS' only hope is a quick settlement w/ the SEC or finger a rogue lawyer that should have reviewed company documents missing disclosures.

CNBC already has a neo American Greed program in the chamber on Goldman Sachs.

The SEC named $GS Fabrice Tourre in its charges as well, so Paolo Pellegrini was easy to lean on for info. #TheWire:)

Over $9 billion loss in a single day & yet others are looking for a dead cat bounce on Monday on $GS. Gotta love the optimism:)

Jim Cramer's claim of Goldman Sachs' own MM loss is a moot point on every level possible & is really a smoking gun.

Major fruit of today's financial news are the new investigations to be conducted by state & foreign government entities.

Sylvian Raines of R&R Consulting was the guest abruptly removed from the CNBC segment on Goldman Sachs.

CNBC rushed to ad break to remove guest not speaking in favor of Goldman Sachs. FAIL for both Erin Burnett & Jim Cramer $GS alums:(

@JimCramer misses it badly & his body language undermines his own words. Win or lose, $GS loses goodwill.

Former $GS alum Jim Cramer's sources claim $GS was an investor in the failed transaction. Talk about taking one for the team:(

Today's sell off makes perfect sense in advance of the heightened risk of another shoe & knife falling over the weekend.

The Goldman Sachs' news is the new steroids story good, bad, right, or wrong.

The Goldman Sachs' news is Madoff big on a macro scale.

Warren Buffett's lawyers are busy today clearly since his earlier $GS investment.

Where are Jim Cramer and Suze Orman today btw? #cnbc #goldmansachs #sec

CNBC just outed a former inside Judas in the Goldman Sachs' news. There may be a body count spike and pool forming.

SEC has lined up the biggest kid first & the rest of the naughty class are texting parents and lawyers as the spanking begins:)

Technical Analysis and Their Rabbit Farm

It is very interesting how the bottom can fall out of the economy and then as it recovers, a governmental agency late to the game (of monitoring, regulation, and prevention) can file charges against a major industry player such as Goldman Sachs and knock the markets back down again.

The timing of the whack a mole move on a day of thin ice is even more impeccable!!

A rabbit is always in the hat when technical analyses forecast significant moves!

CNBC just threw Henry Blodget back under the bus w/o mercy.

The SEC clearly should know that it faces a major fight on its hands w/ Goldman Sachs.

NCAA continues its vampire moves against any acts of passion in football games:(

How many will Goldman Sachs throw under the bus due to SEC's fraud charges?

Seed of the Day: 1 Peter 3:15

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Solar flare expected for the weekend may trigger wild swings given the options expiration day on Friday through Monday.

Mother in B&N claims phone talk is not secure but yet walks away leaving young child alone:( Sign of the times.

Choose to have a great day in spite of and not just because of!!

Tax Day freebies:

In some circles, 2010 is believed to be 2012. I believe 2012 has to go off the charts to beat 2k10.

Seed of the Day: Exodus 20:14

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good night All:)

Cramer should sell his own sound effects and his own meltdown is a hit:)

HP should have been talking up their moviemaking, horsepower juice years ago as it's a very compelling fact!!

Seed of the Day: 1 Timothy 3:15-16

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ABC's Lost: Nice ride around the block to be dropped off in same spot again:)

Apple might as well just buy Adobe themselves since Adobe has money to burn like this:

ABC's Lost should provide a nice ride tonight if it doesn't go rodeo on us:)

Are there any known cures for spring fever that don't kill the patient?

I heard The Temptations' song that was used for Beyonce's "Dangerously In Love" & the horns & drums were used verbatim.

Had the chance to visit Trader Joe's today for the first time. Heavily prefer Whole Foods instead although Chicken Tikka Marsala was good.

The Zero Calorie @Steaz Sparkling Green Tea is now one of my favorite things!! Discovered Blueberry Pomegranate today!

Our Netflix Wii disc arrived today & everything is very fluid & leap forward:)

Seed of the Day: Habakkuk 2:4

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gratitude enables you to let go and released from whatever keeps you from experiencing joy!

I'm not on this list, are you? :)

Viewing All Mail in Gmail seems to work better for me than viewing various labels lately.

Seed of the Day: Philippians 3:20

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Throw Love at any problem long enough and watch the problem simply melt away!

Conspiracy theories on the Polish leaders' plane crash begin their ascent from maintenance crew:

Noticing more payment processors going online in multiple countries at once. Nice!

Sugars and salt are like the horns of a bull:(

Just noticed that going low to no carbs then detects the sodium overload next:(

My Ning e-mail notices remind me of the Frogger video game:)

Tweetie is so great that there should be a Dummies book for it. I know I'm missing something still:)

Leasing Apple's computers is something I would instantly do just to avoid any transition costs.

Seed of the Day: Ecclesiastes 4:10

It's wishful thinking on my part I know:)

It would be hilarious if someone created an app that would allow multitasking on the older Apple devices which it won't.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Twitter's acquisition of Tweetie is a power play that I applaud. Bought both versions!

Happy Friday to you if no one else has told you:)

New recruit certain to appear on CNBC's American Greed:

What are the roots of the fatal attraction between Apple and Adobe?

CNBC reports private jets are making secret flights while taxpayers pay for US aviation's infrastructure. The reasons vary.

The Dish Network & Tivo would make an ugly merger if the rumors are true:(

Great article on BW on taking time to reflect on lessons learned and intangible assets present:

Seed of the Day: Job 38:4-7

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Didn't expect the drive through couples on Marriage Refs:( Almost too many.

The marriage refs are teeing off like they are at the driving range:)

First time watching "Marriage Ref" and the wife is a ghost hunter as in Ghostbusters:)

The Chicago Bulls are making the Lebron-less Cleveland Cavaliers play "down" to their level:)

You can use Google & other search engines to find niche magazines of interest not normally found on local newsstands!!!

When did the MLB Rays change their name to Tampa Bay Rays?

Kenny Smith & Charles Barkley used racial comedy to protest not having All-Star ballot votes & Turner company phones.

Guitarist Slash's first solo album may be one that satisfies curiosity due to multiple guest appearances.

Any team can win on any given Sunday, but some need a new Ice Age to make playoffs.

Seeing a domestic, lower tier of teams working to make the top tier would intensify games of both tiers.

Soccer's relegation looks like it would spice up other sports especially in the US: NFL & NBA in particular. Nets? Redskins?

The biggest draws for continuous Apple kool aid drinking are the simplicity & power:)

Today's fine print multitasking news almost dictates waiting for 3.0 of any Apple product.

The upcoming feature of folders is very cool for iPhone OS 4 as a timesaver.

There's a 2.5 year cycle of hidden costs of staying current with Apple's great technology.

The Dow is breathing hard on the neck of 11,000. Any day now!

Spartacus is available on Netflix!!! I have yet to see an episode.

Upon hearing that multitasking won't be available for our iPod Touches, my wife prefers an iPad over 3rd gen iPTs.

Seed of the Day: Acts 28:28

Multitasking will not be available for the iPod Touch 2nd gen & iPhone 3G, so upgrading will be required.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

This is a very nice week for our household:) I thank God for the blessings;)

Billy Payne looked like he was seasoning the hypocritical waters for a nearby political run w/ his words on Tiger Woods.

Low carb lifestyle since last week has produced quick descent into bear mood territory when hunger strikes:)

It would be surreal if the iPad started a trend that would make cell phones as large as they were in the late 80s:)

Seed of the Day: Psalm 115:1

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

One of the biggest game changers of the iPad for Windows only users will be the lack of boot up or restarting time:)

Seed of the Day: Ephesians 2:12

Monday, April 05, 2010

Experiencing a low tech week via dial up access until late Wednesday:)

Seed of the Day: Romans 11:11

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Made it to SC in record time while only mishap was leaving wife's clothes:( She's shopping it off now:)

Any live iPad video anywhere? Yes, I would watch for a few minutes:)

Friday, April 02, 2010

A twisted mother can warp her children within an irreversible way and this NBC broadcast testifies to it.

Dateline NBC has jumped the shark tonight with a true story supposedly:( The cow is being milked very slowly at that.

Any signs of iPad lines formed nearby already?

Atlanta's lows are now forecast in the lower 50s, so winter has finally accepted its place in history now.

Small dogs and peeps in the valley are building patience and endurance by force since choice was upon summit as well.

Economic prosperity is either coming down slowly from the mountain top or the big dogs are feasting first if not both.

Practically packed for trip to SC within 5 minutes since chilling is a major objective!!

Kids & their Grandma are watching "Princess & The Frog", so I'll defer and exit to their moment.

Seed of the Day: Mark 15:37-39

Went to nearby fitness center & initial startup costs are insane & w/o merit. Bigger clubs w/more amenities charge less:(

Thursday, April 01, 2010

I have yet to experience such a nice bank gesture:

Watching oldest daughter play Six Flags Wii game for the first time is as entertaining as playing any game myself:)

Narrowed fitness center choices to one nearby, but they failed to honor their own sign previously. Will see if economy changed tune:)

Reviewing nearby fitness centers and the pros and cons will almost make one seasick:(

The misrepresentation is a PR pump and dump of the highest magnitude:(

Twisted how one financial services co. wants public to think their financial advisors are 40+ while recent grads swarm.

79F in Mableton, GA and Mother Nature is not taking any names:) Welcomed relief from winter though!

There is no way one can dislike or hate an iPad if you have ever used an iPod Touch:)

JP Morgan CEO Dimon's latest words sound like he's channeling Skilling too well:(

Has the South officially skipped Spring this year? It is too early to hit the wall so fast:)

I've been to & through both East Point & West End Atlanta 2x this a.m.:)

Seed of the Day: Colossians 2:16-17