Monday, October 24, 2005

Slavery Redux via Prisons

On Yahoo! appears a Reuters article on how the prison population grew even though crime rates were down.

I know that there are violent criminals who would rather kill and cause bodily harm than get a job, but slavery has been allowed to continue under the disguise of protecting public safety and harsher punishments for those who would threaten our American way of life.

The Southern states have been leading the way within incarceration rates and undoubtedly these same states were the ones below the Mason-Dixon line in the opinions and operations of slavery.  States above the Mason-Dixon line have the lowest rates of incarceration.

It seems that the way for No Child to be left behind is for the child to commit a crime since prisons are the places receiving the taxpayer funds that schools should receive.

But if the prisons are indeed the new schools, then their graduates are more likely to return to attend graduate school.

Maybe looking at the country with the second-highest rate of incarceration should tell something even more interesting.  Ranked number two is China and its government is based on communism with a population of 1.3 billion people.  Our democracy has only 296 million people and we're number one in putting people behind bars.

So sad:(

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